My tickets are sealed

If you've purchased tickets to an event, you may have noticed that one or more of your tickets are marked as "sealed". This means that your tickets won’t be available for download until shortly before the event. Organisers use Sealed Tickets to prevent fraud and discourage unfair trading of tickets. The tickets will usually be available a few days before the event.

What are Sealed Tickets?

Sealed Tickets are tickets that become available for download shortly before an event starts. The organisers of the event may choose to use Sealed Tickets to prevent fraud and discourage unfair trading of tickets. When a ticket is sealed, it means that the ticket cannot be downloaded until a specific date and time, which is usually very close to the start of the event.

Why are Sealed Tickets used?

Sealed Tickets are used to prevent fraudulent activities such as ticket scalping or counterfeiting. By making the tickets available for download only shortly before the event, organisers can ensure that the tickets are not being sold or traded at inflated prices and that only those who have purchased the tickets legitimately attend the event.

Can I resell my Sealed Tickets?

You can only sell your tickets securely if the organiser has a partnership with ticket exchange platforms like TicketSwap and Tixel. To do so, you can use the resell buttons on your Order Status Page (the page where you download your tickets).